Across The Sea

"What do you think?"

Jacob shows his mother the work he has been doing on the loom. He then leaves to visit Adam, who is still living with the People. Adam tells him that the People are bad, but Jacob disagrees.

"You know where I was."

Jacob returns to his mother, and says that he knows she knows he has been visiting Adam. Mother asks how he is, then goes to visit him herself.

"What happens if I go in there?"

Mother brings Jacob back to the Light, and explains that he has to protect it now. Jacob tells her that he knows she wanted Adam to do it. He accepts the job, and drinks from the cup.

"I'll see you back home."

Returning from the Light, Mother realizes that something is wrong and sends Jacob to go get more firewood.

"What did you do?"

Adam appears and stabs his mother. She thanks him, then Jacob sees what Adam did, and attacks him.

"I'm not going to kill you."

Angry, Jacob brings Adam to the Light and throws him in. Adam turns into Smokey and escapes the Light. Jacob goes to a stream and finds Adam dead. He lays Adam and his mother down in a cave, and we discover that these are the bodies Jack, Kate and Locke found in season one.